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Keyword Research

Keyword Research Resources

6 m read

Search engine optimization novices tend to ignore low-competition keywords, focusing instead on higher difficulty keywords with more monthly search volume. This is actually leaving traffic on the table! Learn how targeting zero-volume keywords and other low-volume keywords can boost your rankings below.

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15 m read

Unsure whether to invest in video creation? Feel like your videos are gathering dust in YouTube’s basement? Video SEO optimization is the production assistant that'll increase the chances of your video getting in front of the right eyeballs. So before hitting record or yelling ‘cut’ on your video production strategy, check out my top tips for YouTube SEO.

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7 m read

Keyword research forms the foundation of every SEO strategy, and keyword difficulty is an essential metric to help evaluate the best keywords to target for your website. Understanding how keyword difficulty works and how different keyword tools measure ranking competition is critical to using this metric to find the right keywords to optimize your content for search engines. Read on to learn more!

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7 m read

Want to reach searchers when they’re ready to buy? By creating content around high-intent keywords you can increase your chances of ranking for those critical queries.

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9 m read

Think using the same keyword on multiple pages will increase your chances of ranking? Have multiple pages targeting similar keywords that share search intent? Learn how keyword cannibalization can make it harder to rank well and what you can do to fix it.

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10 m read

Keyword research involves knowing your customers, the market, and your competitors, as well as creating a customer journey funnel that describes the experience ― from the first touch to the final sale. Unlock your geographic potential by tapping into local keywords, even if you don’t have a brick-and-mortar store.

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8 m read

A successful SEO campaign is built on carefully chosen keywords, but how do you anticipate changes in search interest? Read on to learn how Google Trends can inform your keyword research to help you publish the right content at the right time.

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4 m read

LSI keywords are a commonly misunderstood concept in the SEO community. What is an LSI search engine? What is LSI in SEO? Learn more about what LSI is (and what it isn’t), then stick around for some best SEO practices for semantic keyword research.

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6 m read

Now and then, a customer will ask us to employ an SEO tactic or pursue a keyword theme that, in our experience, won’t be effective in supporting their business goals. Worse than just not working, it might rob them of great results by diverting valuable resources — time, energy, and money  — from more impactful SEO activities.

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