Keyword Research
Keyword Research Resources
Want to reach searchers when they’re ready to buy? By creating content around high-intent keywords you can increase your chances of ranking for those critical queries.
By Jack White
Think using the same keyword on multiple pages will increase your chances of ranking? Have multiple pages targeting similar keywords that share search intent? Learn how keyword cannibalization can make it harder to rank well and what you can do to fix it.
By Victorious Team Member
Keyword research involves knowing your customers, the market, and your competitors, as well as creating a customer journey funnel that describes the experience ― from the first touch to the final sale. Unlock your geographic potential by tapping into local keywords, even if you don’t have a brick-and-mortar store.
By Victorious Team Member
Now and then, a customer will ask us to employ an SEO tactic or pursue a keyword theme that, in our experience, won’t be effective in supporting their business goals. Worse than just not working, it might rob them of great results by diverting valuable resources — time, energy, and money — from more impactful SEO activities.
By Houston Barnett-Gearhart