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Elevate Your Law Firm’s Digital Presence With Legal Content Writing

Content is the key to search visibility. But with E-E-A-T and YMYL considerations, ranking for legal content can be tough. Here’s what you need to know about legal content writing and how to pen pieces that stand above the rest.

Apr 5, 2024

8 m read

Standing out as a law firm goes beyond the courtroom victories; it hinges on the narratives you craft online. Legal content writing serves as a cornerstone for digital marketing within the legal industry, playing an essential role in shaping perceptions among potential clients, peers, and competitors alike. 

Now, this isn’t about churning out content for content’s sake — it’s about creating a narrative that connects with those seeking your expertise, assuring them that reaching out is the right choice.

Too often, legal content writing is full of brain-numbing legalese or, worse, flat-out inaccuracies. With a firm’s lawyers needing to focus on billable hours, creating content often falls to those with less specialized knowledge. That doesn’t mean your content has to suffer, though.

Whether it’s refining your website’s content, launching a blog series, or overhauling your digital content strategy, this guide marks the beginning of elevating your online presence. 

Understanding Legal Content Writing

Consider your law firm’s website as your initial interaction with potential clients — a digital handshake, if you will. 

The content it hosts is your voice in this crucial conversation, enabling you to build trust, credibility, and authority in your field. It’s about breaking down legal complexities into accessible, relatable information, transforming your site into a hub of knowledge for those facing legal challenges. Effective legal content marketing does more than boost your search engine rankings; it establishes your firm as the definitive source for legal insight and guidance.

Key Components of Effective Legal Content

So what does it take to publish quality legal content that ranks?

There are three things legal content writers need to keep top of mind:

  1. Accuracy, 
  2. Audience engagement, and 
  3. SEO best practices. 

Each element plays a vital role in content creation, perception, and performance online.


In the legal industry, the precision of your content is not just about credibility — it’s imperative. Every piece of information or advice must be thoroughly vetted to ensure you’re providing accurate information that provides value. 

Legal sites are considered “your money or your life” (YMYL) sites, and Google holds them to a higher standard. To meet this bar, legal content writers must have in-depth knowledge of the topics they cover. For added security, we recommend an expert review content before it goes live on our law firm website. This quality assurance can be the difference between helping out people in your community and providing subpar advice.

Audience Engagement

To engage your audience, preemptively address their concerns, offer reassurance during uncertain times, and guide them toward informed decisions. 

This level of connection requires an intimate understanding of your prospective clients’ needs, worries, and goals. By addressing those needs, worries, and goals in your content, you highlight your expertise and your 

SEO Best Practices for Legal Content

Being top-notch in your practice isn’t enough if you’re invisible to potential clients. SEO is critical in making your firm discoverable. From detailed keyword research to optimizing meta tags and headings, each SEO tactic is a step toward greater visibility. Local SEO efforts ensure your firm is not only visible but also accessible to those in your area seeking legal assistance.

As we jump into the intricacies of legal content writing, remember this journey extends beyond client acquisition. It’s about delivering value, fostering relationships, and building an online legacy of trust and expertise.

Types of Legal Content That Drive Visibility & Engagement

Diverse content types can significantly enhance your law firm’s online engagement, each serving a unique purpose in attracting and retaining client interest. 

Services Pages

When looking for an attorney, most prospective clients are looking for someone who practices a particular type of law or offers certain services. Having a service page for each of your firm’s practice areas helps you connect with clients who need you. This is especially critical for law firms that offer a variety of services under one large legal umbrella.

For example, a personal injury law firm may specialize in wrongful death lawsuits, car accident claims, and workplace injuries but not medical malpractice. Having optimized pages that discuss each of your service areas and serve as content pillars or hubs for additional content can help you rank for keywords related to those services and make it easier for people who need your services to find you.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are a critical component of content marketing for law firms. 

Blog posts are versatile. They allow legal content writers to address current legal issues, provide insights into complex legal processes, and share firm news or case successes. 

Effective blogs balance professional legal expertise with accessible language, inviting readers to engage and learn. Consider establishing a regular posting schedule to keep content fresh and encourage repeat visits to your site.

Evergreen Legal Guides

Evergreen content, such as comprehensive legal guides, serves as a valuable resource for clients seeking in-depth information on specific legal topics or procedures. These guides can cover a wide range of subjects, from estate planning basics to the nuances of personal injury claims. By providing detailed, reliable content, your firm can become a trusted authority, encouraging longer site visits and higher engagement.

FAQ Sections

A well-crafted FAQ section addresses common client questions and concerns, offering clear, concise answers. This type of content not only aids in SEO by targeting specific queries but also improves the user experience by providing immediate information. An FAQ section can serve as a quick reference, reducing barriers for potential clients seeking basic information or reassurance about legal processes. Consider including FAQ sections on each of your service pages.

Each of these content types plays a critical role in a comprehensive legal content strategy. By diversifying your content offerings, your law firm can better meet the needs of your audience, enhance your online visibility, and establish a reputation as a knowledgeable and approachable legal resource.

Crafting a Legal Content Strategy

A well-defined legal content strategy should not only encompass a variety of content types but also consider the target audience, content scheduling, and performance analysis. 

Identify Your Target Audience

The first step in crafting your content strategy is to define who your content is for. Understanding your target audience allows you to tailor your content to meet their specific needs, concerns, and questions. 

Consider creating client personas — semi-fictional representations of your ideal clients — to guide your content creation. These personas can include demographic information, legal issues they’re facing, and the type of information they’re seeking.

Plan and Create Your Content

With a clear understanding of your audience, the next step is to plan your content. This involves deciding on the types of content you will produce, topics you will cover, and frequency of publication. A content calendar is invaluable here, providing a structured overview of what content is being published and when. This helps maintain a consistent content output and align your content with key dates, legal updates, and firm milestones.

Generating Legal Content Ideas That Resonate

Generating fresh, engaging content ideas is essential for maintaining a dynamic online presence and establishing your firm as a thought leader. Feel free to use any of the following ideas.

Legal Implications of Current Events

Stay abreast of current events in your area of practice and analyze their legal implications. Content that connects the dots between news stories and the law not only draws in readers but also showcases your firm’s relevance and expertise. For instance, a real estate lawyer may want to write about the recent lawsuits against the National Association of Realtors and what they mean for buyers and sellers.

“How-To” Guides for Common Legal Processes

Create detailed “how-to” guides for common legal procedures or questions. These guides can cover topics like “How To File for Divorce,” “Steps To Take After a Car Accident,” or “How To Write a Will.” Such content is highly valuable to readers seeking practical, actionable advice.

Legal Myths Debunked

Address common legal myths and misconceptions in your content. This not only engages readers but also educates them, correcting misunderstandings about the law. For example, debunk myths about the bankruptcy process or clarify misconceptions about workers’ compensation claims.

Legal Tips for Specific Industries

Offer legal tips tailored to specific industries, such as healthcare, real estate, or startups. Content that speaks directly to the legal concerns of professionals in these fields can position your firm as a specialist and go-to resource.

Q&A Sessions

Host Q&A sessions on your blog or social media platforms, answering common legal questions from your audience. This interactive content format boosts engagement and provides direct value to your readers.

Legal Checklists

Publish checklists for various legal situations, like preparing for a court appearance or setting up a new business. These practical tools help demystify the legal process for your audience and position your firm as a helpful advisor.

Commentary on Legal Trends

Offer insights into emerging legal trends and how they might affect your audience. For example, discuss the impact of technological advancements on privacy laws or analyze trends in employment law. This type of content demonstrates thought leadership and keeps your audience informed.

Best Practices for Legal Content Writing

To ensure your legal content not only reaches but also positively impacts your target audience, adhere to best practices in content writing. 

Keyword Research and Search Intent

Keyword research allows you to identify search terms related to your offerings that you can target with your content. Search intent has to do with what searchers are trying to find when they use specific terms. It gives you insight into what type of content you should create when trying to rank for a particular keyword. By integrating both into your content strategy, you can focus your energy on creating content people actually want to read.

Language and Tone

The language and tone of your legal content should strike a balance between professionalism and approachability. While it’s important to showcase your expertise and authority in the legal field, making your content accessible and understandable to non-lawyers is equally important. Skip the legal jargon and complex terminology! Instead, aim for clarity and simplicity, ensuring your content is easy to understand for those without a legal background. Use analogies or real-life scenarios to explain complex legal principles, making them relatable to your audience. This approach not only broadens your audience but also fosters trust and relatability.

Additionally, consider including a glossary section for legal terms, providing readers with a quick reference to enhance their understanding.

Visuals and Multimedia

Incorporating visuals and multimedia elements can significantly enhance the engagement and appeal of your legal content. Images, infographics, and videos can help break up text, illustrate complex ideas, and provide an alternative way for visitors to engage with your content. For instance, a short video explaining a common legal process or an infographic summarizing key points of a blog post can make your content more digestible and engaging.


Content optimization can be the difference between your piece showing up on page one or lingering at the bottom of the search engine results pages (SERPs).

You’ll want to incorporate your keywords casually in your content, page title, h1, and meta description, add internal links to relevant content, and specify alt text, to start.

Update and Repurpose Content

Regularly reviewing and updating your content ensures accuracy and relevance. Additionally, repurposing existing content into different formats can maximize its reach and lifespan. For example, a detailed blog post can be transformed into a webinar, podcast episode, or series of social media posts, reaching different segments of your audience and reinforcing your key messages.

Measure Your Performance

No content strategy is complete without a plan for measuring its success. Use a tool like Google Analytics or Google Search Console to see how well your new content performs. You can monitor organic impressions, clicks, engagement, and conversions with these free tools. You can also use a keyword monitoring tool to see how your content ranks and monitor it over time.

Analyzing this data provides insights into what content resonates with your audience, informing future content decisions and adjustments to your strategy.

What About AI?

Generative AI makes it easy to create content from detailed prompts — but should you?

The March 2024 core update took aim at unhelpful, spammy content, much of which was rumored to be AI-generated. This update makes it clear that creating content en masse is a bad idea. Rather than using generative AI to create lots of content quickly, incorporate AI tools into your workflows to help you work smarter. Use AI to enhance productivity and creativity, but always review and refine content to maintain authenticity and legal accuracy.

Outsourcing Law Firm Content Writing

Need legal content writing services? Our content team is up to the challenge. Rather than working with an individual legal content writer, you’ll have a team ready to support your practice. Our SEO content writing services can improve your search visibility and help you connect with more prospective clients. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.

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