Link Existing Accounts to Google Analytics

Learn how to set up GA4 to integrate data from existing accounts.

Video Transcript

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To integrate data from other Google sources, let’s learn how to link existing accounts such as Google Ads and Merchant Center to Google Analytics 4.

From the home dashboard, click on the gear symbol in the lower left corner.

In the Property column, make sure the right property is selected.

Scroll down to the Product links section.

Here, you’ll see options for Google Ad links and Merchant Center.

We’ll use Google Ads in this example.

Click Google Ads links. Click the blue “Link” button. You’ll be prompted to choose your Google Ads account. Once you’ve selected your account, click confirm, then configure the auto-tagging settings and click “Next.” Finally, review, and click “Submit.”

The process for linking other accounts follows a similar pattern.

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